Archive for 2005

Like Andrew I’m taking a couple of weeks off

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 21, 2005
Filed in Fun

And I just wanted to thank everyone for visiting and reading our blog. It has been great fun and we have learnt a lot. We’ll …

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Have a merry christmas…

Posted by  Andrew Rixon —December 20, 2005
Filed in Fun

Finally after some busy months since the anecdote team grew, coupled with some SNA work, it is now time for christmas. I’m sure looking forward to …

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Narrative and Change Management Whitepaper now available online

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 19, 2005
Filed in Business storytelling, News

I recently announced our new whitepaper entitled Avoiding change management failure using business narrative. I’ve now posted it on our site. Would love to hear …

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Where’s the science? It’s just an anecdote…

Posted by  Andrew Rixon —December 18, 2005
Filed in Business storytelling

Anecdotes and anecdotal evidence are considered fairly sceptically by scientists and science as a whole. Science is very much concerned about verifiability and repeatability and …

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Most social software is anti-social

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 16, 2005
Filed in Communication

I enjoy reading Dave Pollard’s blog. While reading today’s post on the future of blogging it occurred to me that there is an underlying assumption …

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Thinking about facilitation

Posted by  Andrew Rixon —December 16, 2005
Filed in Anecdotes

Catching up with Johnnie Moore for lunch was great. During lunch we got onto the topic of ‘What is facilitation, anyway’. Drawing on the wisdoms (or …

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We are running a narrative techniques workshops in New Zealand

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 15, 2005
Filed in Events

On the 15th and 16th of February 2006 we are running our popular Narrative techniques in practice in Auckland and Wellington. Here’s the brochure and registration …

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New Anecdote whitepaper: Avoiding change management failure using business narrative

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 13, 2005
Filed in Business storytelling, News

I’m pleased to let everyone know Andrew, Mark and I have finished our first whitepaper together and we will be sending it out to everyone …

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Launching an online software solution

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 13, 2005
Filed in News

Software development is one of the toughest pursuits. Especially at that crucial point when you launch and really start interacting with clients. Nancy White has …

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Ever heard about playback theatre?

Posted by  Andrew Rixon —December 11, 2005
Filed in Fun

Last night a group of us had a great time going to Melbourne Playback Theatre. Playback theatre belongs to the family of Improv and the …

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