Archive for 2006

Reflecting on Knowledge Strategy

Posted by  Mark Schenk —December 31, 2006
Filed in Strategy

Anecdote has worked with some fantastic organisations over the past year and one of the main areas has been in developing knowledge strategies. I thought …

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Why people do the things they do

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 27, 2006
Filed in Strategy

Christmas reading has help me stumble across two very different essays with the same theme: people are enormously influenced by their social ties. Anyone reading …

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Blog-tag: a virtual cocktail party

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 21, 2006
Filed in Fun

Luis Suarez over at ELSUA has just tagged me in a virtual cocktail party. What does that mean? I gather that when you’re tagged you tell five …

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Foster your communities of practice by getting members to answer questions

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 21, 2006
Filed in Collaboration

Kathy Sierra had made an astute observation about user communities: they thrive if more people, from novice to expert, ask and answer questions. In fact, …

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Narrative for Business Workshop in the USA

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 19, 2006
Filed in Events

Hi there. We’re planning to run our successful Narrative Techniques for Business in the USA in early 2007. We’re at the “choose the city and …

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How people perceive one another – a short film

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 19, 2006
Filed in Business storytelling, Fun

I was at the Christmas drinks a couple of weeks ago and as part of the entertainment we watched a few short films. All the …

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Questions to elicit stories

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 19, 2006
Filed in Business storytelling

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation has produced an excellent little book called the Story Guide: Building Bridges Using Narrative Techniques. It’s filled with …

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How can you become a better facilitator?

Posted by  Andrew Rixon —December 16, 2006
Filed in Anecdotes

Almost a month ago after identifying some metaphors which described various styles of facilitation (eg. Conductor, Chameleon, Dictator) I asked What kind of facilitator are you? Following on …

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The PreMortem – anticipating a plan’s weaknesses

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 10, 2006
Filed in Collaboration, Communication

One of the techniques I’ve recently introduced to my projects is what Gary Klein calls a PreMortem. As we all know, a postmortem helps us learn why …

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The Open Space Fishbowl – A new way to an energised conversation

Posted by  Andrew Rixon —December 7, 2006
Filed in Anecdotes

A few months ago Larry Peterson and I discovered and tested a great way to apply the Principles and Law of Open Space Technology to a …

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