Archive for 2021

136 – It’s like riding a new bike

Suggestion and argument alone don’t change minds, but experiences do. Listen to hear how one husband finally persuaded his wife to buy herself a new and improved bike.

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135 – Noticing the cut versus feeling the pain

Empathy will help you help other people. Listen to hear how a woman stopped a child’s crying by showing that she could really understand how they were feeling.

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134 – Look for the good and trust in the work

You don’t know what other people are going through. Listen to hear why Hugh van Cuylenburg will never stop pushing his organisation’s (The Resilience Project) message.

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Replay 034 – When baggage really flies

Posted by  Anecdote International —November 30, 2021
Filed in Business storytelling, Corporate Storytelling, Podcast

Having a clear purpose will help the people in your organisation make better decisions. Listen to hear how Southwest Airlines increased its revenue by more than $1 billion by following its purpose.

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133 – Potter spells initiative

Don’t wait for someone to come along and solve your problems—step up and make things happen. Listen to hear how a clever Storytelling for Leaders participant used an anecdote from a popular franchise to connect and build rapport. 

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132 – Wolves, cane toads and tubby ships

What impact does your leadership have on your organisation? Listen to hear what lessons the reintroduction of a species into an ecosystem can offer business.

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Replay 023 – Industrial design with child’s play

To put your customer first, you need to be able to see things from their perspective. Listen to hear how a 7-year-old girl prompted Doug Dietz to redesign his MRI machine.

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131 – Did you have a nice Grand Slam, darling?

Follow your passion without thinking about the outcome, and success will follow. Listen to hear how a mother’s happy accident aided Evonne Goolagong Cawley’s tennis career.

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Audio blog: Using story to move from strategy to action

Paul explains how your communications can create urgency for change and how you can choose to communicate in a way that just provides understanding or one that also prompts action.

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130 – Superwoman with x-ray vision

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Nothing has ever been achieved by the person who says, ‘It can’t be done.’” Listen to hear how one woman persisted with her vision and changed the lives of over a million people.

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