Archive for 2014

Anecdote’s Top 10 posts of 2014

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 22, 2014
Filed in Business storytelling, News

2014, our 10th year in business, was a watershed for Anecdote. Our partner network has grown to 27 partners in 17 countries and it continues …

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Acts of leadership humanity: showing deep respect

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 18, 2014
Filed in Anecdotes, Business storytelling

Emil Zátopek was a giant of long distance running. His record still stands as the only person to win gold in the 5000 metre, the …

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How to inspire with stories

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 16, 2014
Filed in Business storytelling, Culture

We all want to be inspired. And we all want to inspire others. Parents want to inspire their kids. Business leaders want to inspire the …

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How to build the storytelling habit

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 11, 2014
Filed in Business storytelling

Business people love structure. When I ask people after our storytelling workshops what they found most valuable, more often than not they will say they …

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A simple business storytelling mistake

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 9, 2014
Filed in Business storytelling, Communication

The word ‘story’ is vexed in business. Imagine this scene. A senior leader stands in front of his people to give a presentation on the …

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Leadership conducted with passion, teaching and storytelling

Posted by  Christopher Kogler —December 4, 2014
Filed in Business storytelling, Communication

Maestro Benjamin Zander – an amazingly approachable human being My wife, Kate, and I were in Boston, Massachusetts recently visiting our son Sebastian, who’s now attending university …

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Improve sales performance with Storytelling for Sales

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 2, 2014
Filed in Business storytelling, Selling

In 1988 I joined the database software company Oracle Systems. I worked in the Canberra sales team, where my job was to demonstrate the technical …

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Maximise your influence with powerful story techniques

Posted by  Amanda Marko —November 27, 2014
Filed in Business storytelling, Leadership Posts

There’s a way to lead more effectively from anywhere in the corporate hierarchy without the benefit of the positional authority that comes in the form …

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Business storytelling training in The Netherlands

Posted by  Mark Schenk —November 25, 2014
Filed in Business storytelling, Leadership Posts

I visited Amsterdam in early April and met Paul Joosten and Ronald van Domberg. Both fabulous facilitators and both working in the story field. Within …

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Starting with your point doubles your business story recall

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 21, 2014
Filed in Business storytelling, Communication

We judge stories we hear at work in three ways. First, is it plausible, did this really happen? Second, is this relevant, can it help …

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