Archive for 2007

Strategy and the Fat Smoker

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 20, 2007
Filed in Strategy

I’ll remember Strategy and the Fat Smoker (SATFS) by David Maister for two things: helping me realise that creating a resolve in a group to …

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A faulty knowledge transfer metaphor

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —December 17, 2007
Filed in Communication

The conduit metaphor is a common way for people to imagine how information is passed from one person to another. This metaphor paints a picture …

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Communities of Practice

Posted by  Mark Schenk —December 12, 2007
Filed in Collaboration

There are a whole bunch of useful concepts used by organisations to focus their community of practice and knowledge management programs. Some of the more …

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Knowlege Management Workshops in Australia

Posted by  Krista Schmeling —December 7, 2007
Filed in Business storytelling, Events

We had a great day on Monday running our Narrative Techniques for Business workshop in Canberra. The venue overlooked Lake Burley Griffin and we had …

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The fine art of (not) lecturing

Posted by  Daryl Cook —December 7, 2007
Filed in Communication

I just read a great article over at the about Nobel laureate Carl Wieman who wants professors to rethink how they teach. His message? …

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Follow That Feather

Posted by  Daryl Cook —December 6, 2007
Filed in Strategy

A strange recurring pattern involving pigeons seems to have emerged in my life recently. A pigeon walked into my house the other day after I …

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Finding the domain for communities of practice

Posted by  Mark Schenk —November 28, 2007
Filed in Culture

One of the key challenges in starting a community of practice is to find the right domain – the topic that people are passionate enough …

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Maxine McKew tells three anecdotes

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 27, 2007
Filed in Anecdotes, Business storytelling

People vote for politicians based on the emotions they generate not the intellectual merits of their policies.1 And emotion is generated by the stories we …

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Storytelling a key factor in Rudd’s win

Posted by  Shawn Callahan —November 26, 2007
Filed in Business storytelling

Here’s a piece in the Sydney Morning Herald making the case for storytelling as a key factor in Kevin Rudd’s success. Kevin Rudd’s campaign was …

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Knowledge Strategy – an emphasis on action

Posted by  Mark Schenk —November 21, 2007
Filed in Strategy

We have long advocated the importance of action over analysis in both our knowledge strategy and community of practice work and I blogged about the …

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